Image Intensifier Tubes

Photonis is the world leader in the design and manufacturing of image intensifier tubes for military, space, scientific, and commercial applications.

XR5 Image Intensifier Tube, 18mm

XR5 Image Intensifier Tube, 18mm


Cost-conscious users choose the XR-5 for its comparatively low cost while benefiting from a quality low light image.

Consumers who select the XR-5 will receive a tube that performs at a much higher level than tubes purchased in systems at their local sporting goods store.

  • Small halo
  • Proven quality performance
  • Auto-Gating


The ability to customize an image intensifier tube to an operator’s specific mission or operational requirements is critical. Light conditions for an aviator pilot will be much different from those of a soldier deep in the jungle or a hunter operating in mountainous terrain. The XR5 image intensifier tube from Photonis Defense can be adapted to suit a variety of environments.

By applying the latest technology to the XR5, the tube enables users to detect more details during operations. A prominent feature on the XR5 is the integrated Auto-Gated power supply, facilitating operations under dynamic lighting conditions. Auto-Gating constantly operates to improve the quality of the image, not only during day-night-day transitions but also under dynamic lighting conditions such as military operations in urban terrain which define many of today’s missions.

The XR5 image intensifier represents the technological standard for night vision and is available in a variety of inverting and non-inverting 18 mm formats (form – fit – function) for existing and new optical systems.

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Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Figure of Merit (FOM) 1600 1770
Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) 25 26
Limiting Resolution (at center) 64 68 lp/mm
High Light Level Resolution (200lx) 55 lp/mm
Weight (ANVIS) 70 75 g


Many of the Photonis Defense image intensifier tubes are available in different sizes and with different phosphor solutions. Contact one of our specialists to discuss your needs to help you find the perfect solution.

White Phosphor

White Phosphore Example

The latest technological achievement providing the greatest clarity of image when operating in urban, desert or forested environments. For these applications, the night vision user should turn to a white phosphor tube. Studies have shown that night-time scenes appear remarkably more natural in black and white versus the usual green. White phosphor also provides much clearer information about the contrast, shapes and shadows within an environment.

Main Benefits
  • Greater image clarity
  • Scenes appear more natural
  • Clearer information regarding contrast, shapes, shadows
  • Perfect for urban, desert or forested environments


Green Phosphore Example

The industry standard for more than 40 years, green phosphor is the perfect choice for operators that complete missions in the jungle or deep dark areas of the world. The enhanced contrast and depth required for operating in these densely packed environments are ideally suited to the green phosphor coating. The higher gains and stronger contrasts of the green phosphor enable the clarity of image required for those operating without the advantage of ambient light sources to enhance the image.

Main Benefits
  • Enhanced contrast and depth
  • Higher gain and contrast provide better clarity
  • Perfect for jungle or deep dark environments
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